Friday, November 22, 2013

Sachertorte Day



Johann Strauss - The Blue Danube Waltz / Wiener Walzer 


Vienna - City of dreams BBC documentary

The Hundertwasserhaus - more about the apartment house here


These are not suggestions from the instructors. These are just a few names that came to mind when I think about Vienna. Pick one and discover all about it.

Sigmund Freud

Gustav Klimt
Fritz Lang
Niki Lauda
Egon Schiele
Franz Shubert
Erich von Stroheim
Marie Antoinette
Peter Drucker
Karl Popper
Arnold Schonberg
Erich von Stroheim
Christoph Waltz
Hedy Lamarr



Franz Sacher invented the SacherTorte. Franz was sixteen-year-old when he
invented it. He was given the task by his cooking master, the head chef of Prince von Metternich’s kitchen. A very important dinner was planned and at the last minute, the head chef fell ill and
had to rely on his young apprentice. A lot of pressure was put on Franz that day. The Prince declared one thing: “Let there be no shame on me tonight”

 Marios Evr sent this quote:
“Start from wherever you are and with whatever you’ve got.”
Jim Rohn

Luis Bunuel: The adventures of Robinson Crusoe  movie.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Violet becomes a blueberry after chewing a special gum?

Watch the "Little people" in a video from a wonky remix of Devo's cover of the Stones classic.


Ingredientes para a Sachertorte

140 g de chocolate amargo
150 g de açúcar
170 g de manteiga amolecida
5 ovos, separados
100 g de farinha de trigo


8 colheres (sopa) de compota de damasco

Cobertura para a tarte

1 colher (sopa) de manteiga amolecida
110 g chocolate amargo picado
6 colheres (sopa) de café forte coado
175 g de açúcar de confeiteiro
1 colher (sopa) de extrato de baunilha

Modo de preparar da tarte:

Preaquecer o forno a 170ºC. 

Derreter 140 g de chocolate em banho-maria. 
Retirar do fogo e deixar esfriar.
Bater a manteiga e o açúcar até obter um creme leve e fofo. Acrescentar as gemas pouco a pouco e bater até chegarem a um tom claro. Adicionar o chocolate derretido frio e volte a bater. Gradualmente juntar a farinha peneirada.

Bater as claras em ponto de neve até formarem picos firmes. Adicionar à massa.
Despejar em forma de fundo removível, de 23 cm, não untada.

Cozer a torta no forno pre-aquecido por 50 a 60 minutos.

Deixar esfriar por completo antes de retirar da forma para cortar em duas metades e colocar a cobertura.

Rechear com a compota de damasco.
Coloque a cobertura de chocolate quente  na parte de cima e nas laterais.

Como preparar a cobertura?

Derreter 1 colher (sopa) de manteiga e 110 g de chocolate em banho-maria. Adicionar o café e bater bem. Peneirar o açúcar de confeiteiro, acrescentando-o  com 1 colher (chá) de baunilha.Preparar: 30 mins 
Cozimento: 1 hora 
Pronto em: 1 hora e 30 minutos 

This was quite an adventure. First I had to choose a recipe. There are many available in the internet. How do I know what's the best? Which should I choose? I did not have many eggs so I picked one with just 5 eggs. Preparing the ingredients is easy. Bu then I did not have a proper cake tin to take it in the oven. Mine have a hole in the middle. As I will not do a lot of tartes in the future I did not rush to buy one. I used a pot. The topping was the challenge. I think the icing chocolate is too thick. I am always afraid of toppings. Some years ago I used to bake cakes for my family birthdays. Some times the icing just went terribly wrong and I had to improvise! Also I hate to spoil food. The little people are artists, thinkers and other talented people that were born in Vienna. Some of them are really my favorite, like Egon Shiele. I would like to go back in time and party with some of these people!

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